Land of Fire
Estrecho de Magallanes y Punta Arenas
Strait of Magellan and Punta Arenas

Chilean Antarctic Territory

Territorio Antartico Chileno
The Chilean Antarctic Province is the largest in Chile, since it includes the Navarino Island, the Antarctic Territory and the National Parks Alberto de Agostini and Cabo de Hornos. In total, the territory of this province has 1,250,000 km². It is located in the South Pole and its capital is Puerto Williams, on Navarino Island.

The Antarctic Continent, and the bases installed there, are natural reserves dedicated to peace and scientific research. For this reason, any activity that takes place on the white continent, including tourism, is regulated to maintain its cleanliness and decontamination.

The 45 countries that make up the Antarctic Treaty ensure that the regulations are complied with. Chile is one of them. The Treaty is an agreement between 45 countries, signed in 1959 by twelve nations. It states that Antarctica should be used for peaceful and scientific purposes, activities planned and informed in advance to avoid conflicts.
The ecosystem of the Antarctic continent is fragile, that's why special care must be taken when receiving tourists and installing settlements. All of them must respect the more than 150 recommendations specified by the Antarctic Treaty.

Antarctica is an isolated continent, far from the rest of the civilization of South America, the closest to the white continent and even a thousand kilometers away. Despite its remoteness, tourism has increased considerably in the last decade, receiving people from all over the world, who seek to know a continent completely different from the others. Access is possible only in summer, since the rest of the year the 'road' is covered with ice, which makes it impossible to reach Antarctic territory.
Know the white continent in the only inhabited base, corresponding to the Chilean Antarctic Territory. Although the bases are tiny villages, they tell of the possibility of living in the Antarctic throughout the year, with temperatures that reach 35 degrees below zero. The flora and fauna, although scarce, mean a unique experience for the visitor.
In Antarctica, photographs can be taken freely of animals that live on the ice and birds that fly over the bases installed by the Chilean government. In addition, with the relevant permits, you can practice trekking, hiking and high mountain.

Informacion de Interes

1When to go
December - February
Antarctic continent, 990 kilometers from Punta Arenas.
3How to get
By air, from Punta Arenas, trip that takes 4 hours. By sea, from Punta Arenas and Puerto Williams. This trip lasts between three and two days, respectively.
During the summer the average temperature on the coast is 0 degrees, while it varies between -15 C and -35 C in the interior.
Administration in Presidente Frei bases and in Villa Las Estrellas.
Diego Ramírez Islands, Antarctic Ocean, Land of O'Higgins, Drake Passage, Atlantic Ocean, Shetland Islands, King George Island, Livingstone Island, Snow Island, Deception Island.
7Input Value


  • Chile Bay

  • Fildes Bay

  • Villa Las Estrellas