Escalada De Rocas
Rock Climbing
Pesca Con Mosca
Fly fishing



Chile is a privileged country. Besides having thousands of kilometers of coastline, on the other side it has thousands of kilometers of mountain, ideal for practicing snow sports. For this reason, it is considered the best place in South America to ski, in addition to the new practices with Snowboard.

There are ski centers from Santiago to the South. In Patagonia, the most outstanding are El Fraile, 29 kilometers from the city of Coyhaique, and Cerro Mirador, in Punta Arenas. The first operates from Thursday to Sunday in summer, while the second runs all week between July and October.

Practicing skiing anywhere in the world means enjoying strong emotions, huge jumps on a white blanket of snow, but it also means being aware of the dangers and taking part for safety. It is necessary to take classes to learn to ski and to have notions of mountaineering. In addition, it is recommended to know the types of snow that exist, to recognize the roads and speeds in the ski centers of Chile.

As a team you need to have a pair of ski or snowboard, depending on the discipline you want to practice, boots, appropriate clothes, gloves, glasses, hat and lotion to protect from the sun.

White sport is an expensive activity; Both the equipment and the places where it is practiced have high prices, so it is recommended to rent the equipment when you start and only having practiced for a while and be sure you want to continue skiing, buy your own equipment.

In Chile, traditional skiing and snowboarding are practiced, very popular with young people and people looking for a new activity in the mountains. It is not required to know how to ski to start snowboarding, since the movements are completely different in both disciplines. If skiing never caught your attention, snowboarding might be the sport you were looking for.