Punta Arenas
Punta Arenas


porvenir en chile

Emerged during the gold rush, around 1883, was founded in 1894 to serve the livestock companies that settled in the area; It gets its name from the discoverer of Porvenir Bay, an explorer known as George Porter. At present, Porvenir has 5,400 inhabitants and, although it is a small community, it has all the basic services necessary to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants and those who visit it.
In Porvenir you can visit the Fernando Cordero Rusque Museum, which maintains an archeology section, in which the mummified remains of an aborigine in the area are exhibited. In addition, you can see a sample of Fuegian fauna and a photographic sample of the Onas or Selknam, indigenous natives.
You can also take a walk along the waterfront, between Señoret and Santa Marea streets. Along this street there is the Plaza de las Banderas, the Parque del Recuerdo with a sample of old machinery and the Croatian Park. Here you can see the Selknam Indian monument, made with natural wood.
In the Plaza de Porvenir you can visit the San Francisco de Sales Church, built in the late 1800s.

Know the most important town in Tierra del Fuego, fifteen minutes by air from Punta Arenas. Porvenir is all green and blue, with wonderful panoramic views of the Strait of Magellan and Chilota Bay, the landing place of the ferries arriving from Punta Arenas. It is smaller than that city, but it has everything you need to spend a comfortable and entertaining stay.

Porvenir is one of the last cities of the south of Chile and, therefore, of the American continent. Beautiful and simple architecture, surrounded by araucarias and native forests, the city is a place that invites you to take long walks on foot, while posing for photographs that will be the envy of those who await us back home.


Location: Tierra del Fuego, 40 kms., East of Punta Arenas.

How to get there: You can arrive by land, sea or air. By land, take route 9 North before arriving at Punta Arenas, from where you take the CH 255 route at the height of kilometer 47. Route CH255 is connected, by ferry or ferry, to Tierra del Fuego, a path that goes straight to Porvenir. By water, the Strait of Magellan is crossed, from Tres Puentes to 7 kms., From Punta Arenas. The ferry crosses to Chilota Bay, which is 5 km away from Porvenir. This ferry departs from Tuesday to Sunday, once a day, and it takes 2 and a half hours to cross the Strait to Tierra del Fuego. Finally, by air, flights from Punta Arenas airport twice a day to Porvenir. It arrives in just fifteen minutes.

When to go: All year.

Climate: Tundra. A lot of rain and strong winds, average temperatures between 5 C and 7 C.

Services: Accommodation, hotel, hostels, airport, food, restaurants, bencinera.

Surrounding areas: Strait of Magellan, Lagunas de los Cisnes Natural Monument, Chilota Bay, Green Lagoon, Estancia Gente Grande.

Value Entry: Free