1When to go
It is possible to visit the General Carrera Lake and the Baker River throughout the year, due to the microclimate that occurs here, allowing a visit that is not exposed to the rigors of time.
It is located in the Eleventh Region of Aysén, located 112 kms. to the southwest of Chile Chico and 290 kms. south of the city of Coyhaique.
3How to get
It is possible to do it in two ways: The air, from Coyhaique (Teniente Vidal aerodrome and Balmaceda airport), to the airfields with asphalted roads of Chile Chico and Cochrane. This section lasts approximately 2.5 hours of flight. Other tracks in the area, of minor importance, are those of Bahía Murta and Puerto Sánchez. From Cochrane to Tortel, the flight time is 30 minutes and it is landed on a granular track. The land route is from Coyhaique to Puerto Ibáñez, where they stretch 116 kms. of gravel and asphalt. Towards Murta, Puerto Tranquilo, Puerto Bertrand and Cochrane (including the latter) there are 345 kms. of gravel road and asphalt. In as much of Cochrane to Tortel there are 128 kms. of stabilized gravel road. Even Chile Chico can be accessed from Coyhaique coming from Argentina.
In the XI Region there is a cold climate, with an annual average temperature of 9 C. The precipitations are abundant throughout the year, with an average of 600 mm. to 4,000 mm. annual However, as we mentioned before, the General Carrera Lake produces a microclimate with pleasant temperatures and low rainfall.
All kinds of accommodation, food and transportation needs can be met.
Caleta Tortel, Bahía Exploradores, Cerro Castillo, Las Manos Cave, Bertrand Lake, Cochrane Lake, Lake Leones, Mount San Lorenzo, Bernardo O'Higgins National Park, Cerro Castillo National Reserve, Tamango National Reserve, Baker River, Nature Sanctuary Marble Chapel, Jorge Montt Ventisquero, Lions Ventisquero and Soler Ventisquero.