Frequent questions

1What is Patagonia and where is it?
Patagonia is the territory located in the southern part of America, from Puerto Montt to the South of Chile and Argentina. In this area live native peoples such as chonos, onas, yaganes and tehuelches. Of these last ones comes the name, since it is said that they had very big feet, and due to the footprints that they left in the territory it is called "Patagonia". It was a very visited area during the conquest, by explorers who wanted to find a passage to the Atlantic Ocean. Patagonia, as such, is a territory that includes Chile and Argentina.
2How to get to Patagonia?
From Santiago, there are daily departures by plane to Puerto Montt and Punta Arenas, from where there are departures by plane to towns located much further south. It is also possible to travel by bus or car, using the Carretera Austral and, further south, the border crossings with Argentina.
3What is the climate like in Patagonia?
It varies depending on the latitude. Good weather arrives in summer, where temperatures remain above zero and can reach 30 C in Puerto Montt and Chillo. Towards the South, the temperatures go down and the winds increase, in some places it rains throughout the year, although with less intensity in summer. Already in Tierra del Fuego, the days are very long in summer, with 18 hours of approximate light, and temperatures that do not exceed 11 C.
4What happens with the Ozone layer?
It is said that a hole in the ozone layer, the product of global warming, is approaching Punta Arenas. Although this fact is not yet proven, it is recommended to use sunscreen during the summer, as temperatures rise considerably and the sun hits very strongly throughout the territory. If you have fair complexion, protector or blocker is recommended over factor 30.

Chilean Territory

1Do I need a visa to travel to Patagonia?
Patagonia is a territory shared by Chile and Argentina, and international standards are also shared by both nations. To get to Patagonia, the border crossings are used, so if you plan to enter and leave Chile / Argentina and return to the territory, you should check in your country if you need a multiple entry visa.
2What is the national currency? Can I use a credit card?
The national currency is the Chilean peso. The current exchange rate (Dec.2007) is 500 pesos per dollar. In Chile, products and services are traded with banknotes (1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 20,000) and coins (1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500). Most commercial and tourist centers accept credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners. This happens in cities and large establishments, not in smaller ones, so it is necessary to carry cash. Companies and establishments display on their doors the forms of payment they receive.
3Can I pay with cash?
All stores and establishments accept cash in national currency and, in some cases, US dollars. The use of Euros has not yet been established, but can be exchanged for Chilean currency at authorized stores and at local banks, which operate from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Other questions

1Are there ATMs in Chile?
Yes, in the larger cities there are ATMs that accept cards with Cirrus, RedBank, Checkline and Visa Electron.
2Are there phones and the Internet?
Yes, it is easy to find call centers of different companies, as well as phone cards to call abroad. The hotels have accounts with direct national and international dialing. Internet access is also found in specialty stores, such as cyber cafes and call centers.
3Do you need permits to practice activities in Patagonia?
Strictly speaking, in Patagonia you can go hiking and trekking without permission. It is recommended to notify the authorities if you plan to explore and visit forests and other remote places. In some places, such as parks or national reserves, you need permission to enter and practice mountaineering, which is requested in the administration of the parks or in the nearest large cities. If this procedure is necessary, it appears in the description of the attractiveness on the main page.
4Can you drink water from the tap?
In Chile there is drinking water, throughout the territory. In any case, it is recommended to drink water in bottles, available in all grocery stores.
5Do the penguins appear in the city?
No. There are special areas where penguins live, usually on islands, which can be visited. The main areas where these animals live are Seno Otway, where there is a pinguinera, and Isla de los Pingüinos, which is named after the number of these animals that live on its surface.
6What days are holidays in Chile?
• January 1: New Year
• April, 18, 19 and 20: Holy Week
• May 1: Labor Day
• May 21: Naval Combat of Iquique.
• June 16: Corpus Christi.
• August 15: Assumption of the Virgin.
• September 18 and 19: National Holidays.
• November 1: All Saints.
• December 8: Immaculate Conception
• December 25: Christmas