Cerro Castillo
Cerro Castillo



Cochrane is the only populated center of the commune in which it is located, with about 2800 inhabitants. It was founded in 1954 as Pueblo Nuevo in the Chacabuco Valley, and today it is located in Aysén, in an area of ​​8500 km. It is surrounded by mountains, among them the Baez, the Cordón Esmeralda and the Tamango.
In addition to mountains, several of them glacial, Cochrane is surrounded by native forest, with species such as lenga, air, cypress and coigue. Also, there are typical animals of the area, such as the Huemul, which is the symbol of the commune and lives in the Tamago National Reserve at 9 kms. from the city; and guanacos, foxes, pumas, hares, condors, eagles, ducks, thrushes and hawks, among others.
Another feature of Cochrane is the wind, which has formed with its passage a series of mountains and that allows it to grow a very particular vegetation, especially in the pampa. Near the city passes the Baker River, the largest river in the whole country, which has great energy potential.
The landscape is of an imposing beauty, where millenary forests and crystalline lakes, snowy mountains and valleys that continue almost unexplored are united. The inhabitants survive thanks to livestock and tourism, maintaining traditions of country in a place so far away.

In addition to the town in Cochrane, you can visit other nearby places, among which are:

Reserva Tamango:
It is located north of Cochrane and occupies almost 7000 hectares. It is the closest place to the city where there is native forest, and is the most important refuge for the fauna of the area. Here lives Huemul and Guanaco, the largest land mammals in Chile, protected by all laws in the country. There are also other smaller animals (foxes, ducks, pumas), and a great variety of vegetation, which give a magnificent vision thanks to the change of colors in its leaves, especially the autumn.

Cochrane Lake:
Managed by Conaf, here you can practice sport fishing and spend the night in one of the shelters installed next to the lake. You can also take walks around and rest. Laguna Esmeralda: It is 7 kms from Cochrane and its waters have a pleasant temperature in summer, ideal for swimming and practicing sports by boat. It is possible to fish trout, as in other lakes of the region, and observe the landscape that is composed of mountains and forest.

Valle Chacabuco:
It is one of the first occupied places in the region, so it has historical and cultural importance, especially the presence of Tehuelches. It is crossed by the Chacabuco River, but it is a glacial valley, where animals such as guanaco and huemul live. Here you can visit the farms once installed for livestock, and attend the shearing of animals or go for a walk on horseback.

Northern Ice Fields:
Completely covered with ice, it is a vast area where mountains and valleys meet eternal snow. You can practice high mountain sports and adventure tourism. Together with the Southern Ice Fields, they are the largest freshwater reserve in the world.

In Cochrane you can practice a series of sports, especially adventure, such as rafting and kayaking, the gifts of this area. You can also go swimming in the Esmeralda lagoon, or play soccer or volleyball, among others. But, in addition, in summer activities of traditional cut are developed, that surely will surprise the visitor. In January and February the Municipality of Cochrane organizes musical shows, film and theater cycles. Then, in February, the Fiesta Costumbrista takes place, and as its name says, the typical Chilean customs are those invited for the occasion. Parents and children participate in activities such as roasted stick, roasted with leather, typical stalls with crafts and food, order of animals, parade of settlers, shearing of sheep, wood carving, tapping, marking of animals, and many other customs of the zone.

Location: Region of Aysén.
How to get there: Once in Coyhaique, we travel 345 kilometers along Route 7 to Villa Cerro Castillo, from where we travel another 95 kilometers to Cochrane. You can also take a plane at the Coyhaique airfield to Cochrane, a journey that lasts 45 minutes.
When to go: All year.
Climate: Unstable, but exceeds 20 C in summer.
Services: Accommodation, camping, travel agencies, call center, nightclub, fuel, transport, crafts and tourist information. School, Lyceum, Telephone, Fax, Internet, Mail, Hospital, Bank, Restaurants, Pub, Discos, Cafes, Bencinera, Recreation areas, Cabins, Hotels, Residential.
Surrounding areas: Esmeralda Lake, San Rafael Lagoon National Park, Tamango National Reserve, Chacabuco Cord, Villa Chacabuco, Cordón Esmeralda, Tortel, Chile Chico, Coyhaique.