
Cerro Castillo

Cerro Castillo

Cerro Castillo is a small village, founded in 1966, capital of the commune of Torres del Paine. It is meters from Don Guillermo pass, which joins Chile with Argentina; and 56 km from Laguna Amarga, main entrance to Torres del Paine National Park.
It used to be a village where people live from livestock, but today it is almost completely dedicated to tourism. It is a place of simple constructions, built in the style of the last century, giving a picturesque characteristic to the whole place.

If you visit the Torres del Paine Park, it is worth the small detour to know this town. As the locals say, “this is where the continent ends and the adventure begins.”
Villa Cerro Castillo is located in front of the mountain range of the same name, part of the Cerro Castillo National Reserve, created in 1970, covering an area of ​​134,000 hectares, including part of the communes of Coyhaique and Rio. The Carretera Austral crosses it in its route towards the city of Cochrane, allowing to cross the cordillerano cord Cerro Castillo that separates the river basins of the rivers Aysén.

In the reserve what predominates most is the vegetation of the deciduous forest of Aysén, where lengas, Airres, notros or ciruelillos, calafates and chaura are the most abundant. In addition, in order to conserve and protect the soil other types of species were planted, mainly conifers, pine contorta, ponderosa pine and wild pine and larix decidua among others.
Regarding the fauna it is possible to find huemul, guanaco, red fox, while among the birds are common the condor, eagle, kestrel, cachada and zorzal.
Those who visit this place can not miss the mentioned Cerro Castillo, at 2,320 m.s., the Church Hill, at 1,750 meters. and Piedra Conde, which is characterized by being modeled as a human profile.

For those who like to stay in the reserve, the administrative headquarters and the camping area “Laguna Chiguay”, are located at kilometer 65 of the road to Puerto Ibañez and Cochrane.
Here there are also several trails, originally traced and used by the settlers for the transfer of livestock, and which are currently used by tourists as pedestrian paths. Among them, the path to the interior of the Estero Parada of 16 kms. of length that accesses the sector of the so-called New Zealander Camp and the La Lima Valley Trail – Villa Cerro Castillo of 45 kms. Both allow access to beautiful places such as the Cerro Castillo massif of 2,320 m.s.m., small glacial lakes and several glaciers.

Despite being a small town, Cerro Castillo is a town of singular beauty. In addition, in times of high visits -in summer- parties and typical celebrations are held, which give tourists an entertaining and different view of how people live in this place. You can also visit the Cerro Castillo National Reserve.

In Cerro Castillo you can take beautiful photographs while walking through the quiet streets of the village, surrounded by native vegetation and colonial architecture. In addition, in January, the Fiesta a la Chilena takes place, where animals are sung and various games and topical sports are developed, where children and adults participate. In February the Chilean Rodeo takes place and in December the Shearing Faena is done, where about 1,500 animals are sheared in public.